If you were on social media at all on August 26, you probably saw a few posts about National Dog Day. In fact, here at DJ Public Relations, we took the opportunity to share our own favorite pooches with our Facebook audience on that special holiday.

If dogs are one of your favorite things, you might also enjoy celebrating a few other holidays, including: Love Your Pet Day (Feb. 20); National Puppy Day (March 23); The Dog Days of Summer (July 7-August 11); and National Hug Your Hound Day (Sept. 8).

Now you might be thinking, “Wow, dogs sure have a lot of holidays.” But trust me, there is pretty much a holiday for everything. Don’t believe me? Well, the folks who celebrate World Naked Gardening Day (May 4) may disagree with you. And let’s not forget my personal favorite, Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day (Jan. 24).

Knowing about these holidays, no matter how obscure, can be good business, which is why I’m sharing with you my favorite website to find all the holidays that one could ever imagine. It’s brownielocks.com. You’re welcome!

But Diane, why in the world would I need to know that May is Mental Health Month? Or that July 25 is Hire a Veteran Day?

Because, if you are looking for ways to promote your business, coordinating your promotional efforts with an existing holiday or special week/month will help make your promotion more timely and possibly, news-worthy.

For example, one of my clients is the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA. They are trying to increase awareness of the many health benefits of tai chi. One of those health benefits is reducing pain caused by a variety of health issues, including chronic back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Well, it just so happens that according to brownielocks.com, September is National Pain Awareness Month, which makes September the perfect month to promote the pain relief benefits of tai chi to both potential new students and the media.

Here’s another idea. March 4 is Hug a GI Day. What if your business or association encouraged its employees and social media followers to share pictures of themselves hugging their favorite GI that day on your social media channels. That way, you are not only celebrating a fun holiday, but you are also creating a large amount of traffic and interaction on your social media channels that could result in new followers and eventually new customers.

So whether you are celebrating National Chocolate Day (July 7) or National Flip Flop Day (June 14) think about how these holidays can fit into your upcoming business promotions. Trust me…there is a holiday for everything!



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